16 Days Campaign 2020 - Day 16
UN International Human Rights Day
Human rights (HR) are inherent to each person without discrimination. They are set out in the Universal Declaration of HR Dec 10, 1948, as interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.
A Gift or an Abuse of Human Rights?
Whilst studying in a rural area of Zimbabwe, I was called to meet a tall, beautiful woman with a child on her back. She had a 20-litre tin of water on her head. As I approached, she elegantly took the tin from her head and placed it at my feet, indicating it was for me to wash whilst staying with my host family. Later I learnt that Sakhile had walked 4 kms to the pump, to bring me this precious gift of water!
As I reflected I began to get angry. Why should women and girls have to spend so many hours fetching water, because the government chooses to spend money on other things? The UN has confirmed that water is a basic human right, yet access is denied to millions, in many countries...
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